Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has launched "Mukhyamantri Paushtik Alpahar Yojana," a new initiative under the Suposhit Gujarat Mission, to enhance the nutritional intake of students in government and grant-in-aid primary schools across the state. This program aims to fulfill Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of 'Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi,' meaning both nourishment and education.
The Mukhyamantri Paushtik Alpahar Yojana will provide nutritious snacks to approximately 41 lakh students from Balvatika to Grade 8 in 32,277 schools. These snacks will be served during prayer time, before the start of educational activities, ensuring that students have a healthy boost before engaging in their studies.
This initiative complements the existing midday meal program under the PM Poshan Yojana. Additionally, in specific areas, students also benefit from the Doodh Sanjeevani Yojana, which provides 200 ml of flavored milk daily. The new scheme will provide an additional snack option following the midday meal, further strengthening the state's commitment to student nutrition.
Under the Mukhyamantri Paushtik Alpahar Yojana, students will enjoy a variety of healthy snacks throughout the week. These include sukhdi with roasted peanuts, chana chaat, mixed pulses, and food made from Shri Anna (millet). The focus is on providing calorie- and protein-rich options that contribute to overall health and well-being.
The implementation of this program will require an additional investment of Rs 617 crore annually by the state government. This includes Rs 493 crore for purchasing materials and Rs 124 crore for increasing honorariums for PM Poshan Yojana beneficiaries. The increased honorarium recognizes the additional work involved in preparing these nutritious snacks.
This initiative will significantly benefit students, improving their education, nutrition, health, and physical fitness. By aligning with PM Modi's vision for a Viksit Bharat@2047, the Mukhyamantri Paushtik Alpahar Yojana contributes to building a Viksit Gujarat and ensuring that future generations are both healthy and well-nourished.