Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has criticized the Centre for not allowing MPs to discuss the impact of Cyclone Fengal in Parliament. Speaking to reporters in Chennai on Monday, he said, "In Parliament, MPs were not allowed to speak about Cyclone Fengal. As part of our responsibility, we are assessing the damages and will send a report. That is our duty and responsibility. It is also their responsibility to respond, but they are refusing to do so. Despite this, we are doing our best."
CM Stalin also took aim at the Leader of the Opposition, Edappadi K Palaniswami, saying his focus seems solely on making accusations against the state government. "Opposition leader Edappadi K Palaniswami's only responsibility seems to be levelling accusations against us. However, people know under which government welfare schemes are implemented effectively," CM Stalin stated.
Despite these criticisms, the Chief Minister praised the efforts of district officers and relief teams who are working tirelessly amidst the flooding and heavy rains brought on by the cyclone. He said, "Deputy chief minister, ministers, public representatives, coordinating officers, district collectors, and rescue and relief team are working with dedication. I am personally monitoring the situation to ensure normalcy is restored. I have advised officials to complete all ground-level work promptly."
CM Stalin assured that anyone affected by Cyclone Fengal will receive adequate compensation for their losses, including damages to livestock, homes, or loss of life.
He detailed the ongoing relief efforts, stating that 18 rescue teams, comprising 493 members, are actively conducting operations across various districts. In Villupuram district alone, 407 personnel from seven NDRF and eight SDRF teams – a total of 15 teams – are engaged in relief work. In Cuddalore, 56 personnel from NDRF and SDRF are working, while in Tiruvannamalai, a 30-member team is handling rescue operations.
"Rescue operations are going at the site of the Tiruvannamalai landslide. IIT engineers have been called to assist at the affected location," CM Stalin added.
He also revealed that over 7,000 people are currently staying in 147 relief camps set up across affected areas. “A total of 147 relief camps are operational, accommodating 7,776 people. All necessary arrangements, including water, food, and medical supplies, have been made for them,” CM Stalin confirmed.
Earlier, CM Stalin visited Viluppuram and Kallakurichi districts to inspect the damage caused by Cyclone Fengal and provide support to affected residents. He stated on X, "I am personally visiting Viluppuram and Kallakurichi districts to see the severe damage caused by Cyclone Fengal and help the people."
Cyclone Fengal, which made landfall on the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts on Saturday, November 30, has caused severe flooding and heavy rainfall in several districts. Residents are facing distress as a result of the cyclone’s impact. However, rescue teams continue to work diligently to evacuate stranded citizens.