The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has announced an upcoming launch scheduled for December 4th, 2024. The mission, known as PSLV-C59/PROBA-3, will see the liftoff of a trio of satellites into a highly elliptical orbit from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.
This launch marks a significant milestone for both ISRO and the European Space Agency (ESA). It will be the 61st flight of India's reliable Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and the 26th instance of using the powerful PSLV-XL configuration.
The PROBA-3 mission, entrusted to ESA, is an ambitious "In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD)" project. It involves two spacecraft: the Coronagraph Spacecraft (CSC) and the Occulter Spacecraft (OSC). These spacecraft will be launched in a unique "stacked configuration," with one positioned atop the other.
The primary objective of PROBA-3 is to demonstrate the intricate art of precise formation flying. This involves carefully maneuvering the two spacecraft in synchronized patterns, showcasing their ability to operate as a coordinated unit in space.
The PSLV-C59 launch vehicle will carry approximately 550 kilograms of payload into orbit. It consists of six stages – PSOM-XL + S139 + PL40 + HPS3 + L2.5 – and is capable of lifting off a total mass of around 320 tonnes.
ISRO's announcement highlights the collaborative nature of this mission, emphasizing the "trusted precision" of PSLV and the strong partnership between NSIL (NewSpace India Limited), ISRO, and ESA.
This launch follows a successful mission in early 2024 – PSLV-C58, which deployed the XPOSAT satellite into an eastward low inclination orbit. This dedicated scientific satellite from ISRO focuses on conducting research in space-based polarization measurements of X-ray emissions from celestial sources.