The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is gearing up for the Delhi Assembly elections scheduled for 2025, promising a manifesto crafted directly from the concerns of the people. BJP leader Meenakshi Lekhi announced on Monday that extensive discussions with the public are underway to shape the party's electoral platform.
"The Sankalp Patra (BJP's manifesto) is being prepared after holding discussions with the public," Lekhi stated, emphasizing the party's commitment to understanding and addressing the needs of Delhi residents. To gather feedback, the BJP has established a dedicated WhatsApp number, hashtag, and website, encouraging citizens to share their views and suggestions.
Lekhi further highlighted the importance of engaging directly with the public. "We want to address the issues of the people of Delhi," she said, outlining plans to hold meetings across the city and at the party's central office to solicit input from residents. The BJP aims to translate these conversations into a comprehensive manifesto that reflects the aspirations and concerns of Delhi's citizens.
Meanwhile, another BJP leader, Parvesh Verma, expressed confidence in the party's ability to form the next government in Delhi. He pointed to the successful implementation of promises made by BJP-ruled states over the past 11 years as evidence of their commitment and competence. "The BJP delivers whatever it promises," Verma asserted, adding, "Our government is going to be formed for the next five years in New Delhi."
Verma's statement reflects the BJP's growing ambition to capture power in Delhi after several consecutive victories by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The upcoming elections are expected to be a closely contested battle, with both parties vying for the support of Delhi's electorate.
In preparation for the 2025 Assembly elections, the BJP held a crucial meeting attended by Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva and other prominent party members. This gathering signaled the party's determination to mobilize its resources and strategize effectively for the upcoming electoral contest.
The AAP, currently in power in Delhi, has already begun laying the groundwork for their re-election campaign. On November 21, they released their first list of 11 candidates for the Assembly elections. The official dates for the Delhi Assembly polls are yet to be announced by the Election Commission of India (ECI), but political activity is steadily intensifying as both parties prepare for a fierce battle.