The Delhi Police have achieved a significant victory against two-wheeler theft in the city, successfully dismantling a notorious syndicate and apprehending five key members. The operation stemmed from a complaint filed by Anand Singh, a resident of Uttrakhand Enclave in Burari, whose motorcycle was stolen on the night of November 24th.
DCP North Raja Banthia revealed that during the investigation into Singh's case, it became apparent that three Royal Enfield bikes had been stolen from different locations within the jurisdiction of the Burari Police Station during the intervening night of November 24th and 25th. CCTV footage analysis proved crucial in identifying six individuals suspected of involvement in these thefts.
A juvenile among the suspects was apprehended, and his confession shed light on the syndicate's operation. He revealed that he and two friends had been hired by two individuals from Khajuri Khas to steal two-wheelers. This information led investigators to Muhammad Farooq, a resident of Loni Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, who emerged as the mastermind behind the syndicate.
Farooq, an auto-mechanic by trade, had been purchasing stolen vehicles from syndicate members and dismantling them for parts. These parts were then sold to customers in various cities across India, including Surat, Pune, Bangalore, and others.
In a dramatic raid on Farooq's godown, the police recovered an impressive cache of stolen goods: 20 two-wheelers, 51 number plates, 10 chassis, and numerous dismantled bike parts. The operation resulted in the arrest of five individuals, including Farooq and Hasan Khan alias Sahnawaz. Law enforcement officials are actively pursuing the remaining co-accused.
With this successful bust, the Delhi Police have effectively solved 58 cases related to two-wheeler theft, bringing a much-needed sense of security to residents. This achievement highlights the dedication and resourcefulness of the police force in combating criminal activity and ensuring public safety.