The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has ramped up its campaign for the upcoming Delhi assembly elections, slated for early 2025. BJP leader Satish Upadhyay recently launched a scathing attack on Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal, questioning whether he has delivered on the promises made to the people of Delhi.
Upadhyay emphasized that the public sentiment in Delhi is shifting towards a change in governance and expressed confidence that the BJP will come to power in the next elections. He pointed out that the BJP has been actively holding meetings at various levels to prepare for the polls, signaling their seriousness about securing victory.
"One thing is certain in Delhi: people have made up their minds that a change is taking place, and the government of the BJP is coming to power," Upadhyay declared during an interview with ANI.
The BJP leader directly challenged Kejriwal's recent statement about not forming any alliances for the Delhi Assembly Elections. He questioned whether the public could trust Kejriwal and if he had actually fulfilled his promises made during previous campaigns. Upadhyay further criticized Kejriwal, accusing him of "flashood and cheating" and a "double-faced character," claiming that these qualities have left the people of Delhi worried.
Kejriwal's announcement regarding no alliances in Delhi for the upcoming elections came on Sunday, stating, "There will be no alliance in Delhi (for assembly elections)." Meanwhile, the BJP has been actively organizing meetings to strategize for the elections. The meeting was attended by prominent figures like Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva and other key party members.
On November 21st, the AAP released its first list of 11 candidates for the Delhi Assembly Elections, marking their early steps in the electoral race. However, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has yet to announce the official dates for the elections, which are expected in early 2025.
In the previous 2020 Assembly elections, the AAP secured a landslide victory by winning 62 out of the 70 seats in the Delhi Legislative Assembly. This time around, both the BJP and AAP are gearing up for a fierce battle to capture the hearts and votes of the Delhi electorate.