Global pop star Dua Lipa captivated Mumbai audiences with a surprise performance on Saturday night, fusing her hit song "Levitating" with the iconic Bollywood track "Woh Ladki Jo" from Shah Rukh Khan's film Baadshah. The unexpected mashup instantly went viral, with social media platforms buzzing with videos of Lipa's energetic performance. However, the spotlight on the mashup has sparked controversy, as Abhijeet Bhattacharya's son, Jay, publicly criticized the lack of recognition given to his father, who originally sang "Woh Ladki Jo".
Taking to Instagram, Jay expressed his frustration with the media and internet users for seemingly overlooking his father's contribution to the song. He wrote, "The problem is that no one talks about it. What happened to- Woh Ladki Jo- Abhijeet? Unfortunately we live in a country where not one news outlet or Instagram page has mentioned the voice and the artists of this song." Jay went on to clarify that while he admires Shah Rukh Khan, the issue isn't about him but about recognizing the singers who contribute to Bollywood music.
"This is @abhijeetbhattacharya and @anumalikmusic. I'm sorry but this song is called Woh Ladki Jo sabse alag hai- Abhijeet wherever you search it. But somehow the media in this country never lets a singer get his due and then people ask me why don't you try and sing for Bollywood," he stated, highlighting the disparity in recognition between singers and actors in the Indian entertainment industry.
Meanwhile, Dua Lipa continues her Asia tour, having wrapped up her Mumbai concert to rave reviews. The pop star expressed her gratitude to her fans on Instagram, sharing pictures from her time in Mumbai, including a photo of herself lying down amidst a vibrant floral rangoli and a glimpse of a boat ride from the Gateway of India.
Lipa's performance of the "Levitating x Woh Ladki Jo" mashup was undoubtedly a highlight of her concert. Shah Rukh Khan's daughter, Suhana Khan, also shared a video clip of the performance on her Instagram stories, expressing her excitement with emojis. Dua Lipa has previously expressed her admiration for Shah Rukh Khan, even meeting him in 2019 and posing for a picture with him. Their interaction was documented by SRK on his Instagram account.
This marks Dua Lipa's third visit to India, following her performance in 2019 and a recent trip to Rajasthan earlier this year. Her upcoming concert in Seoul will conclude her Asia tour, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what she has in store next.